Monday, October 5, 2009

Short Sweet Love Poems

Success in love all boils down to experience. This is true for many walks of life. It is certainly essential when looking for your potential soul mate. Many people mistakenly jump into what they think is a "true love" relationship from a lack of experience and maturity. This is why the majority of marriages end in divorce, when people see potential love in sight, they do everything in their power to grasp it as quickly as they can. This turns into a quick marriage, and eventually, the formerly "dearly beloved" will rethink the situation, and the couple will split. The amount of experience held by each person in a relationship will often regulate how long said relationship will last. I have found an Ebook with shome short sweet love poems and stories that will give you an experience all your own.

Being an avid sports fan, I see a distinct parallel between love and sports, two things that may seem completely unrelated to the untrained eye, but in reality, share much of the same protocol, and many of the same peaks and valleys. Allow me to explain.

Take a talented teenager with aspiring dreams to play professional basketball. In order to utilize his talents most effectively, he starts at an early age, playing grade and middle school basketball, then moving onto high school athletics. If he uses his time and experience wisely, he will be granted a scholarship to play in college. If he decides to forgo his college experience and be drafted into the NBA, his chance of failure is at the highest. Why is this? Lack of experience. The intelligent thing to do is to hold off the NBA, and gain more experience by going to college.

Now take a normal guy looking for true love. He will "play the game" in grade and middle school. These may be novice experiences, but they are experiences nonetheless. The intensity steps up in high school, and things start to get more serious. If this guy decides to immediately commit to his first girlfriend in high school, and get married on the spot, his chance of failure is at the highest. Why is this? Lack of experience. The intelligent thing to do is to hold off marriage, and gain more experience by biding his time with dating.

Do these scenarios seem similar? They work the same way, and the redeeming quality needed for smooth progression is experience. Short sweet love poems are easy to take in, and will provide you with some valuable second hand experience.

Fran Harris is a former WNBA star turned Ph.D and love expert. Fran Harris has seen the best of both the world of sports and love, and has the experience needed to succeed in both. She played her college basketball at the University of Texas, and won the WNBA Championship with the Houston Comets in the league's inaugural 1997 season. She has since turned her talents from sports to giving professional advice to those in need.

Fran Harris and her co-writers have compiled their own experiences and others they have dealt with to write The Power of Love Ebook. This book is filled with real love stories, and short sweet love poems, all of which are told with an amazing energy and passion. These real love stories are written in an attention grabbing prose and a style all their own. The Power of Love Ebook will warm your heart and simultaneously give you valuable piece of mind moving forward into your own successful relationships. Hopefully this piece will help you find your potential soul mate, and live a joyful life. Happy reading!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet, in the Company of the Biblical Prophets

Perhaps no other American is as controversial as Joseph Smith, Jr., the founder of the Mormon Church and a self-proclaimed prophet. Such claims as he made, to have been visited by God, the Father, and Jesus Christ; to have been called to be a prophet to preach the Gospel to a world in apostasy are at least shocking and incredible and at most outrageous. Joseph Smith, his life and his legacy deserve close attention, then, for if true, his claims are the most important message since the discovery of the empty garden tomb.

To understand the issue, however, one must first understand what a prophet is and only then can Joseph Smith be measured against this rubric. To dismiss Joseph Smith as a prophet because he does not fit ones own definition of prophet is a circular argument since that wholly depends upon the persons preconceived image of what a prophet is. We must, therefore, look to the Bible, the record of Gods prophets to begin to understand what a prophet is. In the popular imagination the role of a prophet is to tell the future. This is, however, only one aspect of a prophets calling and likely not a major one. So, what does the Bible tell us a prophet will be like?

There are two words in the Bible that are translated as prophet. One is the Hebrew word Nabi (or Navi), and the other is the Greek Prophetes. Both have the basic meaning of spokesman or one who proclaims something. A prophet of God, therefore, speaks in the name of, and hence with the authority of, God. A prophet says, Thus saith the Lord. Joseph Smith was such a spokesman. He spoke in Gods name. To him, the Lord said, I give unto you my servant Joseph to be a presiding elder over all my church, to be a translator, a revelator, a seer, and prophet (Doctrine and Covenants 124:125).

This mouthpiece of God speaks Gods word. The Lord said to Moses concerning Aarons role as Moses spokesman: Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet [hence, his spokesman] (Exodus 7:1). In a latter revelation to Moses the Lord said:

I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him (Deuteronomy 18:18).

Peter thus said in his epistle that prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost (2 Peter 1:21). The Doctrine and Covenants (hereafter D&C), which is a compilation of revelations given to modern prophets of the Mormon Church, echoes this statement saying that, whatsoever they [the prophets] shall speak when moved upon by the Holy Ghost shall be scripture, shall be the will of the Lord, shall be the mind of the Lord, shall be the word of the Lord, shall be the voice of the Lord, and the power of God unto salvation (D&C 68:4).

The Bible is a collection of the inspired words and deeds of prophets. Thus, the words of prophets become scripture. Isaiah was a man who saw great visions. Paul was a prophet whose inspirational teachings form the bulk of the New Testament. The revelations given to the Prophet Joseph Smith including the Book of Mormon and the visions and revelations recorded in the Doctrine & Covenants testify that Joseph Smith was a prophet. He spoke the words he received of God in visions and revelations. These words became scripture, just as in biblical times.

The message for which prophets are spokesmen is of the mission of Jesus Christ and the importance of obeying Gods commandments. In Revelation 19:10, an angel tells John that, the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. A prophet, who must by definition have the spirit of prophecy, must also therefore have a testimony of Jesus. Jesus commanded His disciples to read the scriptures, comprising essentially the Old Testament, explaining that, in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me (John 5:39). He later testified that every prophet wrote about Him:

These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me (Luke 24:44).

John the Baptist, of whom Jesus said, there is not a greater prophet, had as his primary mission to prepare the way for Jesus Christ. Of him, no record details miracles or great prophesies of the future. Instead, he taught the people to prepare themselves for Jesus coming and when that came he willingly stepped aside (see Luke 7:28 ff). Joseph Smith likewise testified of Jesus Christ. In a vision he received on February 16, 1832, he and an associate Sidney Rigdon saw Jesus Christ much as Paul had centuries earlier. They declared:

And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives! For we saw him, even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the Only Begotten of the FatherThat by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God (D&C 76:22-24).

For Joseph Smith, Jesus Christ was the central figure in every doctrine and deed. Joseph Smith taught that Jesus Christ atoned for the sins of all mankind and provides salvation to all those who love and serve him. Prophets also denounce sin and call people to repentances. In 2 Kings 17:13, we read:

blockquote>The LORD testified against Israel, and against Judah, by all the prophets, and by all the seers, saying, Turn ye from your evil ways, and keep my commandments and my statutes, according to all the law which I commanded your fathers, and which I sent to you by my servants the prophets.

It is the duty of prophets to call people to repent and return to God. This can be seen in many instances. In 2 Kings 12, we read that Nathan, the prophet, was sent to call David to repentance because of his sins with Bathsheba. Nehemiah was sent to call the people of his day to repent and rebuild the temple. Jonah was sent to preach against the wickedness of Nineveh. Joseph Smith said, This we believe to be our duty-to teach to all mankind the doctrine of repentance (History of the Church 2:255). It is the duty of a prophet to denounce sin, call people to repentance and to worship the God of Israel. This last duty, namely calling to worship the God of Israel is essential, for Moses warned that false prophets could accurately predict the future, but if they used these miracles to lead people away from the God of Israel, then they would be false prophets (Deuteronomy 13:1-10).

The Lord says further, If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream (Numbers 12:6). Prophets, then, have dreams and visions in which the Lord is made known unto them. Peter also mentions this as what may be termed the prophetic pattern. In Acts 10:39-44, Peter teaches that God reveals Jesus Christ to chosen witnesses, the prophets, who then teach the world about God. Every prophet is chosen by God, taught by angels or through dreams and visions and finally commissioned to teach others. Isaiah fits this pattern. In a vision recorded in Isaiah chapter 6, this great poet-prophet saw the Lord on His throne surrounded by angels. He is forgiven of his sins, and charged with a mission.

This vision and the charge given to the prophet is the Sowd, the sacred and oftentimes secret intimacy that prophets obtain with God. Sowd in Hebrew translates as counsel, assembly, secret, or divine intimacy. At its root it refers to private correspondence or counseling. The Prophet Amos said, Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret [Sowd] unto his servants the prophets (Amos 3:7). That is, the Lord will not act until He has revealed His counsel, His plans, and His secrets to the Prophets. Thus another role of a prophet is to be a diviner, through revelation, of Gods deed present and future. This can refer to prophesying the future, or to determining what work is of God right now and what His will is regarding human actions.

Joseph Smith and his mission fit this ancient pattern perfectly. As a young man, confused but full of faith, he prayed to God. According to href="">Joseph Smiths own account, he saw in vision, just as Moses, Isaiah, and Stephen had, the God of Israel. Just as was the case with Isaiah his sins were forgiven and like Moses he learned the true nature of God. In subsequent visions he was taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ by angels and through multiple revelations which are recorded as sacred scripture in the Doctrine and Covenants. He was commissioned by God to translate the Book of Mormon as testimony to Jesus Christ and to Joseph Smiths own divine commission. He was shown Gods counsel and href="">prophesied many things that have since occurred.

In connection with this divining of counsel, it is interesting to note that the Samaritan women whom Jesus met at the well in Sychar said, I perceive that thou art a prophet (John 4:19), when He told her about her life previous to meeting Him. Prophets, then, are given such spiritual insights as necessary to fulfill their missions. In this capacity a Prophet may rightly be called a Seer. When Saul sought out a man of God who could give him advice on what course he could take, the record states, Beforetime in Israel, when a man went to enquire of God, thus he spake, Come, and let us go to the seer: for he that is now called a Prophet was beforetime called a Seer (1 Samuel 9:9). A Seer, then, is one who sees what is ahead, who understand the operations of God in the world. He sees accurately not only the future, but also the present and the past. Through this divine insight he can perceive Gods workings in the world.

In a revelation given to Joseph Smith in November of 1831, the Lord said of Joseph Smiths mission:

Wherefore, I the Lord, knowing the calamity which should come upon the inhabitants of the earth, called upon my servant Joseph Smith, Jun., and spake unto him from heaven, and gave him commandments (D&C 1:17)

The reasons given were:

  1. That every man might speak in the name of God the Lord (v. 20)
  2. that faith also might increase (v. 21)
  3. That mine everlasting covenant might be established (v. 22)
  4. That the fullness of my gospel might be proclaimed by the weak and the simple (v. 23)

Joseph Smith was commissioned to be an instrument in the hands of God, but only one of many, who would lay the foundation of Gods Kingdom here in these days. As a Seer and Revelator he taught truth and revealed many things to come, as a Prophet he preached repentance in Gods name and taught the testimony of Jesus Christ, and as translator he translated and published the Book of Mormon. Finally, as a prophet he was a leader. In Hosea we read:

And by a prophet the LORD brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he preserved (Hosea 12:13).

A prophet is set to lead the covenant people of the Lord. Paul said that the household of God is built upon a foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone (Ephesians 2:19-20). Apostles, as can be easily shown, are prophets also, since they have the spirit of prophecy which is the testimony of Jesus Christ, but as apostles they have a special mission to go forth and proclaim Jesus Christs resurrection (see Acts 1:22). Prophets and Apostles lead the people of God. In this capacity, Joseph Smith was the leader of the Mormon Church, called of God, and ordained an apostle of Jesus Christ, to be the first elder of this church (D&C 20:2). Until his death in 1844, he led the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a Prophet and Apostle of god. Joseph Smith guided the Mormon Church through persecution and trials.

It must be remembered, however, that prophet are human agents working for God and are thus fallible. James said of Elias (i.e. Elijah), that he, was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months (James 5:17). Commenting on this passage Joseph Smith said:

I was this morning introduced to a man from the east. After hearing my name, he remarked that I was nothing but a man, indicating by this expression, that he had supposed that a person to whom the Lord should see fit to reveal His will, must be something more than a man. He seemed to have forgotten the saying that fell from the lips of St. James, that Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, yet he had such power with God, that He, in answer to his prayers, shut the heavens that they gave no rain for the space of three years and six months; and again, in answer to his prayer, the heavens gave forth rain, and the earth gave forth fruit. Indeed, such is the darkness and ignorance of this generation, that they look upon it as incredible that a man should have any intercourse with his Maker. (Joseph Smith, History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 7 Vols. 2:302)

Of himself he later said, I never told you I was perfect; but there is no error in the revelations which I have taught (Joseph Smith, History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 7 Vols. 6:366). The Prophets and Apostles of God are human and hence fallible, but the inspired words they reveal, as Peter said, come from the Holy Ghost who is a revelator to mankind. Like Isaiah, Samuel, Moses, Noah, Paul, and Peter before him, Joseph Smith had his faults, which makes his miracles and teachings all the more amazing and inspiring, for God works always through weak and erring servants to accomplish His great purposes.

Perhaps it is the faults of the prophets that make some people reject them. Jesus Christ once remarked that, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house (Matthew 13:57). To neighbors, Jesus was merely a carpenter, the son of Joseph, but to those with faith He was the Messiah, the Son of God. Similarly with the prophets who, unlike Jesus, were not sinless, they are often rejected for trivial reasons. Some rejected Joseph Smith as a prophet because a business venture he participated in failed, or because he enjoyed playing sports. Others were offended by his denunciation of their actions. Finally, on June 27, 1844, Joseph Smith was murdered by a mob with faces painted black while he sat in jail awaiting trial on false charges. Like Paul before him, Joseph Smith was jailed, persecuted, and finally killed. Many prophets and apostles have been killed because of their teachings and deeds and Joseph Smith was no different.

In every possible test Joseph Smith compares favorably with the prophets of the Bible. Like them, he spoke in Gods name and the revelations given to him have become scripture just as Paul or Moses did. He had the testimony of Jesus Christ, the spirit of prophecy, and so devoted his ministry to testifying of the divine mission of Jesus Christ. He was commissioned by God through visions and the visitations of angels to do Gods work here on earth and so received authority to act and speak in Gods name. He was a prophet, a seer, a revelator, a translator, a missionary, an apostle, and a martyr for he was hunted and murdered by angry mobs because he dared to speak against their traditions and because his teachings and deeds stirred up controversy.

Ultimately, one must look at the fruits of Joseph Smiths mission. To know if Joseph Smith truly was a prophet of God, one must study his teachings and his deeds. These can be found first and foremost in the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants. If the Book of Mormon is truly the word of God, then Joseph Smith truly was a prophet of God and while argument and evidence may be compiled for pages upon pages, only the Spirit of God will ultimately reveal to a person whether or not Joseph Smith was a prophet. Why this matters, even and perhaps especially for Christians, is that if Joseph Smith was a prophet, then Jesus Christ has a message for the whole world and especially for those who claim to believe in Him. This message is that His Church has been established by prophets and is now being led by them through inspiration of God. For non-Christians, the message is one of faith and hope, that Jesus Christ lives again and through His power all may be resurrected and saved.

Jonathan F. Barney was born and raised in Mapleton, Utah and graduated from Springville High School. He attended Utah State University on full scholarship and graduated in 2004 with a degree in History and Linguistics. He is currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Near Eastern Studies, emphasizing the Arab World at Princeton University. From 1999 to 2001, he served as a volunteery missionary for the Mormon Church in Ohio. In 2003 he studied for one semester at the American University of Cairo in Egypt. In his spare time he enjoys reading, hiking, calligraphy (both Latin and Arabic scripts), and writing

To learn more about Joseph Smiths life and teachings visit these excellent sites:

Joseph With pictures, writings, and biographical information about Joseph Smith

Joseph with Joseph Smith's writings about his life

Disaster Preparedness - What is a Christian's Responsibility?

As Christians, what should be our role in disaster preparedness? This question has never been of greater significance than today. In fact, it is absolutely vital that we weigh in on this issue. We can no longer afford to sit on the fence and let others debate this topic for us. Each one of us needs to be fully persuaded in his own mind. We each must decide what Jesus Christ expects of us personally, based on what He says in His Word.

Many Christians are taught that doing physical works of preparedness is a lack of faith. That it shows a lack of trust in Jesus Christ, our provider. But is this really true? We are all familiar with I Tim. 5:8 which says, "But if any provide not for his own, and especially those of his own house, he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel." This scripture is referring to more than just "going to work" and "paying the bills", and "putting food on the table". The word "provide" actually means to "consider in advance, i.e. look our for beforehand." This is interesting. Jesus is telling us that in order to properly provide for our house, we must be able to forecast, in advance,the potential problems coming our way, and to act accordingly. This is putting our faith into practice. Otherwise we have "denied the faith".

God tells us in Proverbs 27:12, "A prudent man foreseeth the evil and hideth himself: but the simple pass on and are punished." This scripture tells us that those who cannot foresee in advance the coming evil are actually punished! That when the coming flood of problems arise, they will be swept away by it--because they did not prepare in advance for this disaster. Remember Noah? Hebrews 11:7 says, "By faith Noah being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house." The Holy Bible is our road map. This story is written for us! Almighty God in heaven is thundering to those of us who can hear Him. "The flood is coming, children! Start preparing!" Floods and storms and evil is coming. In fact, it is here now. What are you doing right now to prepare to save your family? Will you be able to provide for them when disaster strikes?

The world is standing on the precipice of an enormous, catastrophic collapse. Massive earth changes from a polar shift is bearing down on us. Terrible famine, horrible pestilence , apocalyptic warfare, and persecution of Biblical proportions is looming. Yet, why should we be surprised by all this? Isn't this what Jesus warned us about in His Word? Are we the "simple" who blindly continue along just waiting for the evil to overtake us? Or, are we the "prudent" who can foresee this and are taking steps to avoid it? If we are not preparing for the coming disasters, both spiritually and physically, we will fall. Not only will we fall, but our entire house will fall--and great will be the fall of it!

Furthermore, if you're not preparing because you are waiting for the "rapture", you're in big trouble. Because--there is no pre-tribulation rapture. Nor is there any Biblical evidence for one. The word rapture is not even in the Bible. Also, if you are waiting for an angel to come and knock at your door and whisk you off to safety--you better think again. It's not that this can't happen. It's not that this won't happen in a few special cases. But, its that Jesus expects us to act on faith before the event to show our faith. To witness our faith to others and for others. Doing nothing, and yet waiting for God to do it for us is displeasing to Him. "Faith without works is dead." We must "walk in the steps of our faith" by taking action.

Whether we prepare for a localized flood, power outage, hurricane, or earthquake-- or worldwide famine, pestilence or warfare--it's all the same. It take spiritual preparation to survive a spiritual crisis. And it take physical preparation to survive physical crisis. The Great Tribulation bearing down upon us is a literal physical one, and must be physically survived. But, it is also physically occurring for spiritual reasons. Therefore to completely survive, one must be prepared spiritually as well. The issue of spiritual preparedness will be covered in future articles. But for now, suffice it to say, without adequate physical preparations, we will not be able to provide for our house.

This is the purpose of this article and future articles. To help Christians prepare for the coming storm. To direct them to sources of food and equipment necessary for survival, as well as provide them with the knowledge and tips needed to make these challenging times more easily weathered. Pray about it, use the links at the end of this article, and take action!

C.L. Carr has been living off the grid, "in the wilderness" for many years Interests include, solar and non-electric living, gardening, survival skills, self-sufficiency and Biblical studies.. For more insightful information and strategies for survival please visit or

Proving That an Invisible God Does Exist

Here's a pretty good interview about someone explaining the existence of God.


Peaceful Warrior God

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a christian video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Save the World

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come." (2 Timothy 3:1) The word perilous means dangerous or exposure to the risk of being injured, destroyed, or lost. The rest of the verses express where most of the danger shall come from and also the reason for the promised peril that shall come. "For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." (2 Timothy 3:2-5) In a society where morality is placed on the back burner anything goes. A philosophy such as do as you will or do what thou will this shall be the whole law was made famous by a known Satanist and founder of the church of satan Aleister Crowley. A world where everyone feels free to do as he or she pleases is a disastrous world where ruin is certain. In a world that does what it feels like there are no rules. What if I feel like murdering someone or raping someone under these philosophies it is perfectly ok? In fact to live by such rules is truly to declare yourself to be God because you are governed by you. Yet, the bible expressly declares that in the last day's mankind will go so far from God that they will bring peril upon themselves and this whole world. Jesus Christ speaking of the last days said "And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." (Matthew 24:11-12) A world without love, a world where people are selfish and self driven.

Was it not satan that invented the it's all about me theology. "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit." (Isaiah 14:12-15) When satan was cast down to earth In the record of the fall of man did he not preach this same it's all about me theology to Eve "And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."(Genesis 3:4-5) Not, much has changed satan is still trying to convince every man and woman that they could be there own god just as he tried to become his own god. Even so much to impose the philosophy of I can do whatever I want God knows my heart. How many times has this been quoted by people to justify their own sin. When God says "no" how can we say God understands, his ways are his ways and we should do are best to keep them (through the power of the Holy Spirit). We should not simply go out of are way to do wrong or continue in our sins simply because it feels good to us. We should seek repentance just as the first words Christ preached "From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." (Matthew 4:17) A life in God shows the power of God and that power is for God to transform that life. It is always not easy for us to do right but we should do our best to do what God says. For surely if God knows our heart shouldn't we know his heart and his will.

With the knowledge of this danger that is sure to come; the human heart has a unique need to be saved. After all we do all we can do to live so we eat, visit the doctors, we exercise, we drink water, we avoid poverty at all cost, we even seek pleasure to avoid boredom. There is something inside mankind that always drives us towards self preservation and man will almost always choose peace over suffering. The internal desire is another evidence of the need for the salvation of God. Hollywood has always created it's heroes that would soon come and save the world from ruin. When the truth is that this world can't be saved by man nor superheroes it actually will be destroyed according to 2 Peter 3:9-10 "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up." It is a promise of God that this world shall be destroyed but be of good cheer because although this world will die the people in it can be saved. "Jesus cried and said, He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me. And he that seeth me seeth him that sent me. I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness. And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world."(John 12:44-47)

What I fear most is that mankind doesn't take the claims of God to be serious or urgent. We should always see the urgency in what God is saying to us. There are a lot of dangerous and very disastrous events that are taking place right now and will take place in the future. We always look to the coming of Christ as being light years ahead of us, but as God said we should not be slack according to his promise that he will destroy this world. Of the last days the scriptures testify in Matthew 24:3-7 "And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." Many have came to this earth and claimed to be Christ all the way back to before Jesus time on earth. Most Recently we have seen Jim Jones, Charles Manson, Jose Luis De Miranda, Sun Myung Moon, Billy Meir and others. These men have led many into destruction, just as Christ has spoken. When we speak of wars and rumours of wars how many years in your own personal life can you look back to a time where there was not war going on in the earth? How many years can you remember when there was not a talk about a war? All throughout history we discover war after war and this is the work of mankind. We see nation rising against nation and kingdom against kingdom everyday. Whole nations of people that hate other nations of people simply because of land disputes, color of skin, and customs. Famines in the land just in 2008 Myanmar, the Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, East Africa, and Bangladesh all suffer from food crisis while the rest of the nations over eat. Pestilence the world has many infectious diseases that cause death, most recently Aids, bird flu, flesh eating virus, malaria, cancer, and sars. Earthquakes have shaken many places of this world most recently China and Central Asia. This information lets us know that all things have been checked off and the reason Jesus gave these examples is to let you know that we really don't know when he is coming. The world will be going on business as usual so we should always be ready for his return.

The beauty of the situation is God knows we have a basic need for salvation. We have a human desire for peace, and quality of life. We all want to live forever and not suffer forever. What we really are looking for is hope and not hope that a man can bring. Not the promise of man's change or what man can fix, but hope that God will save us from this wretched world and the disaster of mankind's errors. "In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;" (Titus1:2) That is a promise that I could believe in, because unlike mankind God cannot lie. He promised salvation and we should expect nothing less. He promised to give us this gift we should expect nothing less. I challenge you to put your hope in something you can't see right now but will see in the future. The promise that God who cannot lie gave to us SALVATION!!!!!

"My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world." -1 John 2:1-2

Hymn Of The Cherubim Movie Video

I love the chants from the Byzantine Chant and other Religions

Peaceful Warrior God

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a christian Ideas library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world.

The Day the Disciples Left Jesus

Self-preservation is the natural way. But when Christ does His work in the human heart, self-preservation gives way to the desire for crucifixion with Him. The call is to lose our life in Him.
The disciples of Jesus who surrounded Him in His stay here reflect our own desire to hang on as long as we can to this old life. Consider the episode that concluded Jesus' stay here. It begins with the arrest in the garden. The disciples fled. But look at when they fled. They really already had left Him before the soldiers arrived, as they insisted on sleeping during prayer time.

When the crisis point arrived, they hung on for awhile. They must have hoped for a miracle. They had been in tight places before. They remembered thousands of hungry people with no way of being fed. But they had been fed after all. They remembered hopelessly sick bodies with no way of being healed. Healed after all. Demoniacs, written off by their neighbors and friends and families, with no hope of deliverance. Delivered. Surely Jesus would work a miracle here too, and from here ride to glory and power.

When the miracle did not come, Peter did what we all do when "thinking things out". He engaged the flesh. The sword. Self-preservation. Jesus rebuked him for it, and in so doing, He rebukes all of us who still lean on the flesh to get the Spirit's work done, who still try to live when He says die.

Then Jesus addressed the growing mob in such a way as to signal to the disciples that He believed this horrible scene was all part of the will of God. (Matt 26:54-56.) If we resist, He suggested, how will the Scriptures be fulfilled? That was the disciples' last blow. Oh no! Jesus was really not going to resist arrest. Sure, He had taught them, "resist not evil," "turn the other cheek." It all sounded so fine out in a field with the sun shining and Jesus working miracles. But this was the "real" world, Jesus. Surely not here... No, He was really going to do this. They were all dead men.

Even the swords Jesus had just told them to gather (Luke 22:36) were not to be used. Sorry Jesus, it's time for us to be gone. We love you, but this is too much. We must preserve our lives so this Kingdom will have a chance! All your ideals, dreams, plans, how will they go on if we are dead?

Have you felt the arresting power of the Holy Spirit in your life? Has He used a friend or a job or a situation to bring you to the end of your life? Yes, you can resist arrest. The disciples did. Or you can go ahead and be crucified. If the Holy Spirit is in us, eventually Jesus brings us to a cross, the end. Then of course we realize it is nothing more than a new beginning. The ultimate crucifixion, our death for the cause of Jesus Christ, will lead to the ultimate newness of paradise itself.

I'm not big on dreams and visions, and I don't know exactly what to call this, but I dozed off the other day and in a matter of seconds saw myself standing by a huge rock. Jesus was on the other side of that rock actually trying to rise from the dead. But I remained standing there, blocking His departure.

I woke up, dozed off again, and I saw my back yard, where we have a garden enclosed by a small fence to keep out rabbits. It is held up by a series of stakes. In my very quick dream I saw all the sticks holding up the fence going down one at a time.

When I put these two images together, it seemed God was saying that if a person consents to being arrested by Jesus, not only is he free, but Jesus too is free to do what He wants in that person. I know and affirm that Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead. But may Jesus have a chance to live that resurrected life through me. May all my defenses go down, may I not get in His way.

Look for "Bob Faulkner" on There you will find a combination of love for the Scriptures and a desire for North Korean believers to have their needs met. There are nearly 300 blogs , ovber 200 Bible teaching MP3's, lists of resources, NK picture albums, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together! Contact me any time at

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Would love to fellowship with believers who respond.

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Story of Chosun, Part 12

Soon we move into the 15th century with our story of Chosun.

You will recall that the final, and longest, of Korea's dynasties has been put in place, from the clan of "Yi", translated sometimes "Lee" in our part of the world. Chosun (or Joseon), "morning calm" is the name given to the territory now, hence, the "Yi Chosun" dynasty is the proper reference to these years, 1392-1910.

The enemies and potential enemies of Chosun hang around. The Mongols and Yujin stay put in the northernmost provinces. So also the rising power of Ming (China) is represented there. But restrictions are placed on the (Buddhist) priesthood, and protection is beefed up at all the ports. Yi Tago gets things started well.

For awhile, the Royal Court moves to more comfortable Kaeson (Today Kaesong, in southern North Korea, the one major city that switched sides due to the Korean War.)

Tajo's son Chonjong is his successor, and during his reign feudalism is ended in Korea. Still, he is an unpopular king, and in 1400 the people clamor for his brother Tajong. Chonjong abdicates.

Shortly after this change of power, land is taken from Buddhist monasteries and given to the people, as that religion is allowed for a time to decline. This particular king refuses even to bow to Buddha. Not a bad sign, if only there were a proper Personage to accept this honor. It won't be long now...

In 1413 a national drought among other things causes the King to come against exorcists and fortune tellers. They are banned and their books are burned. Another welcome signal...

The year 1419 brings Tajong's retirement, and the coming to the throne of fabled King Sejong who in 1436 stops the ravages of the northern tribes, to the extent that southerners can be brought to that area, Hamgyong province, to settle.

But that for which he is most remembered is the creation of a simple -by Asian or most other standards -phonetic alphabet. With the number of characters nearly the same as our English counterpart, Sejong is able to bring all of the classics of Korean literature easily within reach of the common man. Imagine the relief when Chinese, with its thousands upon thousands of individual characters, the scholar's language, but the only one available, is suddenly replaced by this simple communications tool.

Hangul has persisted to our present time. It is the language that even I have attempted to learn. I will not even guess what I'd be doing with Chinese at present, or what it would be doing with me...

In the next installment, Chosun moves into what is called its "Golden" Age. But one can only speculate how golden would be Korea's past had Christ been given His proper place in the ways of kings and people. Only speculation now, but with your continued prayer, Korea can yet achieve God's desired place for it, namely that place deep within His heart.

Look for Bob Faulkner's home page on There you will find a combination of love for the Scriptures and a desire for North Korean believers to have their needs met. There are nearly 300 blogs, over 200 Bible teaching MP3's, lists of resources, NK picture albums, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together! Contact me any time at

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Would love to fellowship with believers who respond.

The Coming Troubles To Jerusalem

The Lord in Matthew 24:15 referred the disciples to the prophet Daniel for an understanding of the "abomination of desolation." Before we follow the Lord's leading to go back to Daniel, it is necessary that we take a quick visit over to Brother Luke. In his 21st chapter is a passage parallel to Matthew and Daniel, presumably spoken at the same time by Jesus. But there is at least one clear difference in the text that might be disturbing to some. Luke heard from the Spirit and/or his Spirit-filled sources some words that Matthew was not led to share with us. Remember, Matthew was there. Luke was not. But we believe both men have given us the Spirit's message from the lips of Jesus.

In Luke 21:20, having gone through all the same preliminary listings of things that will not be signs that the end is near, Jesus turns to a sign related to the abomination, one that must come before that horrid scene, and one that is similarly mentioned by Daniel. According to Luke, what we will see before fleeing, should we be there on that appointed day, is an army fully surrounding Jerusalem. Oh my, the armies that have surrounded this city! I imagine Jerusalem holds the record there! Nevertheless it is one part of the sign that the Lord wanted us to have, and fulfills exactly Daniel 8:12, where an army is supplied to the evil ruler to enforce his will. He takes over the city, and then according to Paul, enters the Temple itself. There is no real difference then in the two accounts.

Noting the above truth reminds one to say that Jesus speaks nothing of the identity of a particular man, His archival. He points us to Daniel for that piece of work. He does not tell us much about background, the times, the political structure of the end times. These pieces are scattered all over the Scriptures, assuring that only the diligent and caring will find them and fit it all together. Unfortunately, the "cares of this life" choke out most of this desire to search the Word for answers. May God change our priorities!

Luke brings out another important piece of information. In the same passage in which Jesus talks of the very end of all things, parallel to Matthew and Mark, Luke quotes Jesus as saying that Jews will once more be led away captive to all nations!

We remember how this happened when Babylonia and Assyria attacked Israel. Surely the Jews have been all over the world since the much later days of Rome too. But Luke says this happens yet again after the "signal" of the surrounding armies and the following desecration of the Temple. He says further that following the abomination are the days of vengeance when every prophecy about everything is fulfilled (verse 22)! This is the end time.

Will there indeed be time in the few short years that follow before the coming of Jesus for yet another Jewish dispersion? Especially when we have already seen how the "remnant" Jews, the 144,000 are going to be protected and confronted by Jesus?

I believe that an answer for this question is in Revelation 11:2, where according to John, Jerusalem will be trampled by the Gentiles for three and one half years. It will be a replay of the Assyrian invasion, when that people sent their own citizens to populate Israel while taking Jews to captivity.

Yes, the book of Revelation assigns only three and one half years to the "times of the Gentiles". We were taught that that period was all the way from A.D. 70 until 1948, when the Jews recaptured Jerusalem. There were indeed some Gentiles there, mostly of Mid-eastern descent. But the Bible seems to be showing us a cosmopolitan urban center where Jews are no longer a threat to world peace. Where Gentiles rule.

I believe that this process will begin a few years earlier when a contract is signed with the Jewish nation, allowing them to have their Temple worship if they will relinquish the city to "humanity." Then Antichrist will reverse things and finish the process he has begun by eliminating Jews from their own city.

In some of these last things I speculate. But there are some definites I hope we have gleaned from this study:

1. The disciples asked for a specific sign about the end.

2. Jesus gave the disciples a specific sign and referred them to the Book of Daniel.

3. When the Temple is surrounded and desecrated, the end is near.

4. After the "sign" there is unprecedented devastation.

5. After the devastation, Jesus comes.

Troublesome days coming. Oh may we be ready for them should they be in our lifetime! is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. Just about every day I'm writing a blog featuring some news, a book, or a story of North Korea. There's a live news feed on the site, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together!

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond on my site.

North Koreans - The Illegal Immigrants

Here's an article of vital interest to American citizens, some of whom have begun to complain about the inflow of "illegals" to our land. But we aren't the only ones in this position worldwide.

Who are they?

They come over the border from their depressed land into a land of relative plenty. They come without permission. They get fake identities. They mingle with the population, trying to eke out an existence. They will work for almost any amount. Thus they take jobs from the nationals. They get benefits that some nationals cannot get. Some are desperate and begin to commit crimes. Technically they are illegal but many people tend to overlook that fact and allow them to stay to meet the needs of their adopted nation. In some cases they are rounded up and sent back.

Who am I talking about? Why, any number of people groups fit the preceding description. Do all of these groups fit into your thinking as equally worthy of help? Mexicans here in the US, Koreans in China? What do you think of illegal immigration? Where do you draw the line? Where should a nation draw the line?

How desperate does one have to be to break another nation's rules? To steal? To kill? What would you do if you had little money and little prospects? No money and no prospects? And if you were single? Or married? Or a parent of 3? or 10?

Why, the answer seems to change with every new question. I suppose the bottom line is, we do not know how we will react when the bottom drops out. I personally cannot answer all the questions regarding myself, or my unregistered Mexican friends. I used to think I could...

But for one people group I have decided that a clear answer is in order. For one, I say, hang the "rules" . For one I say, if at all possible, get out of there and go wherever you can however you can. That nation is North Korea.

And may God help His people to respond to those who flee or those who stay.

Stay? Yes, some have even decided to stay to give the Gospel to their fellows.

We are told in Scripture to "remember those in prison" Many of His precious children (the born again variety) are in there. They fit the description of believers "in prison" whether they go to jail or not.

Also, there are many who will love Jesus when Jesus in the person of His people comes in and ministers.

So there are many there who need our support. Have you prayed for a North Korean today? is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. Just about every day I'm writing a blog featuring some news, a book, or a story of North Korea. There's a live news feed on the site, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together!

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond on my site.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Syrian Kings and the Anti-Christ

The prophet Daniel has received a serious message about the end of all things. It is helpful in understanding this chapter to read previous prophecies of Daniel, as in chapter 8.

Daniel 11, verses 5-20 are about two of the "horns" that rise up after Alexander's demise, one in the North, one in the South. The history that matches with the prophecy is astoundingly parallel. Let us look at the South first. Here is where Alexander's general Ptolemy arrived and over the years got himself entrenched with the Egyptian people and other nations of that region. "Ptolemy", at first a family name, soon came to mean the same as "Pharaoh", a title of honor given to all the following rulers of Egypt for many years.

Egypt proper was never satisfying enough a territory to rule, and the Ptolemies, kings of the "South" were forever reaching north, sometimes as far as Syria, but nearly always to Israel, for more ground. In doing this they were in constant conflict with the "king of the North", originally General Seleucus, who considered his domain to be from Israel and Syria to points east. And of course, Egypt, if he could manage it. Sometimes he actually did, either by force or marital intrigues.

Sixteen verses tell, ahead of time, the actual details of this tug of war between North and South, the jockeying for power, the shifting loyalties of Israel in the middle. But lest we think that the Spirit is only interested in giving us a history lesson, in verse 21 there is a zooming in on the reason for all this lineage being shared. In Daniel 11:21 we are introduced to a vile man who inherits the throne by deceit. He was not next in line to receive it, he surely was not fit for it. Some say he was mad. And the writer of Daniel's prophecy never once calls him "the king of the North." His name is Antiochus Epiphanes. Epiphanes, the manifested one. Later he would add the term "Theou..." A manifestation of God. That's blasphemy. In his very name. Many of his subjects referred to him as "Epimanes" , the mad one.

I want to remind us again here that from verse 15, dealing with Epiphanes' father Antiochus the Great, the term "King of the North" is not used again until we are into the clearly prophetic portion of this passage. Though the vile Antiochus truly seems to be taking the place of kings who rule in the North, it seemed good to the Spirit not to confuse the reader with this title. I believe that it will become clear later, why.

Early deceitful dealings with Israel are mentioned in verses 22 and 23 establishing his way of working with the Jews early in his career. In verse 25 his complete mastery of the South (Egypt) is foretold, but also the whittling away of that power at conference tables (26-27). Also see in verse 27 another mentioning of "the appointed time" as though the Spirit is readying the reader for something unusual. Though these two liars sit at the same table and make their schemes for annihilating the other in public, it is God who rules over the affairs of men, and the plans He has made for Israel will happen His way, and at His time.

In verse 28 we see a rich and powerful Antiochus, happy about how life is treating him, going into Israel to add to his riches by stealing from the Temple treasury .

But in verse 29 there is an immediate reversal. Antiochus "returns". And from here until verse 35 is a troubling series of verses. Most historians agree that Antiochus did make a second excursion approach toward Egypt. Surely the incident of verse 30, his rebuff by a Roman commander, has been documented. His subsequent desire to "dump" on Israel has been verified also. The ensuing martyrdom and exploits of the Maccabees can all be made to fit into this passage.

But there are some curious features about what is said from 29-35 also. The passage begins with "at the appointed time." From Daniel 8:19 to 10:1 to 11:27 and later to 11:35, and 11:40, the "appointed time" or "time of the end" is where the Divine Originator seems to be going.

"He shall return" (29) gives one pause also. Yes, he returned to Egypt, or tried to. Is it possible that hidden in this text is the idea that he shall return to earth?

He approaches Egypt but the writer tells us that it will not be like the "former" (time he came here) , that is, he will not succeed this time. He also says that it will not be like the "latter". What does that mean? That can only mean that another trip is in view by the angel. Indeed, such a campaign is mentioned in verse 40. And by the time we get to verse 40, no one doubts that we are talking about an end-time series of events. Our only struggle is 29-35, when it could be that history must be repeated.

It is verse 31 that gives us the largest clue that this passage, fulfilled already or not, must come again to the world stage. Another look at chapter 8:11-13 which has already been defined by Gabriel as an end-time scenario, and a comparison of phrases used there to ones used here in 11:31 will remind us, I hope, that we are in search of "the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel" which was future in Jesus' day and cannot therefore be tied to history already passed. Look at what is said:

8:11, "by him the daily sacrifices were taken away, and the place of his sanctuary was cast down. 11:31, " they shall defile the sanctuary fortress... then shall they take away the daily sacrifices...8:12, "Because of transgression, an army was given over to him to oppose the daily sacrifices...11:31, "Forces shall be mustered by him...8:13, "... transgression of desolation..." 11:31, "...the abomination of desolation."

And so we come full circle, if our beginning place is the words of Jesus in Matthew 24. he is the one telling us to look to Daniel for meaning of the abomination. But when we come to Daniel, he points us to the end time. Is not the meaning clear? is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. Just about every day I'm writing a blog featuring some news, a book, or a story of North Korea. There's a live news feed on the site, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together!

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond on my site.

Note to Pastor - About That Music

I'm getting old. That's the only explanation/apology I give for the following comments. It does not set aside the truths which I am trying to communicate. But it is a fact. And in many churches, the desires of the young have been placed over the wisdom of the elderly. Music is one of the victims of this decision. For centuries the Church has passed on a legacy of rich doctrine-laden verse, majestic-sounding melodies, true "psalms, hymns, songs of the Spirit." As with Scripture, these have been recorded (no one is claiming inspiration here) and passed on. The bad ones were weeded out, the classics remained, the collection of songs went forward.

But as I have said in another place: ", the collections are set aside en masse. Entirely new collections are in place, and weekly there are new songs added to the list. A man who has been a Christian for 50 years can sit through a meeting totally a stranger to the music portion of the fellowship. And he can think he is a stranger to the church, being left behind. This has not been true in every generation. It is sadly true in this one."

English-speaking believers have exported this treasure of music all over the world. To this day many nations sing translations of the old hymns of the faith, while those who passed it to them, the Western Church, have gone on, may I say it, to lesser things. Oh, there is energy, zeal, and for the most part, truth, in the new songs. But there is little depth, character, and beauty. Little being written today can compare to the grand songs. The beat is consistently rock-folk. Guitars replace organs. No room in some churches for multi styles, multi instruments. We must get those kids in. Get rid of the old, bring in the new.

Sounds like the rantings of an old man, don't you think? But if there is any truth in what I speak, take note, and in your church, perhaps you can still "save the music." Someone, I believe, must pass on the good parts of our past to the next generation. Someone must do the weeding out of the questionable lyrics and tempos today. Someone needs to exercise discernment in this area.

If the present crop of songs is allowed to be the entire musical inheritance we leave the next church, I fear that that church will be a much weaker one, one that is much more susceptible to what is coming to the planet. We need to revive the old songs, and add to them cautiously some of the new, as we have done for so long.

Look for Bob Faulkner's home page on - There you will find a combination of love for the Scriptures and a desire for North Korean believers to have their needs met. There are nearly 300 blogs, over 200 Bible teaching MP3's, lists of resources, NK picture albums, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosen together! Contact me any time at

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Would love to fellowship with believers who respond.

A Sabbath in Our Future?

What do you think Jesus believed about any future use of the Jewish (as we call it) Sabbath? Surely, if the Sabbath was to pass into history and be forgotten, He would not mention it as a future possibility. Let's look at the facts:

Matthew 24:20-21. "And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath, for then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be."

The conjunction for at the beginning of verse 21 links that verse to the former one. The standard teaching about this passage is that Jesus had in mind the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. But by linking the flight time to the incomparable world devastation Jesus is telling us that His people will be having to deal with Sabbath issues even at the very end of this age. Matthew 24:15 (the parallel passage) even sends a note to readers of this text as a clue that even though Jesus is addressing the twelve, a much later time period is being discussed.

Now why would Jesus ask end-time believers to pray that their flight from a Holocaust not be on a Sabbath? Where is the tender-hearted teaching we have heard throughout the Gospels about a God who understands human need, and expects even donkeys to get a break on the seventh day? Would it matter to Him that we were running for our lives on that day? Would we be "breaking" the Sabbath to flee from the forces of the antichrist? Matthew Henry suggests that just as traveling in winter would be stressful to the body, so traveling on Sabbath would injure the soul. He is talking to a people who know of and have experienced the sweetness of that holy day. For them it is unthinkable that a full six days can be faced without that 24-hour breath from Heaven. If after a long work week their world suddenly falls apart and they are forced to run for the hills on that day, then how can they face the morrow?

Our mindset is so foreign to thinking such as they had, that it is perhaps difficult to imagine why there is such fuss over one single day. But the point here is that the Sabbath will be around in the days leading to the transition to the coming Kingdom, albeit it is fair to say that this warning message is addressed to unbelieving Jews in the main. Whether believing Christians are included in this Sabbath practice is a matter of controversy and discussion among believers. It is for this reason that I address it. is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. Just about every day I'm writing a blog featuring some news, a book, or a story of North Korea. There's a live news feed on the site, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together!

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond on my site.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

When Do We Get to Meet God's Parents?

If God is the creator of the universe, who is the creator of God? When I was born, I had a mother and a father and supposedly the two of them together had created me. One could not have created me without the other and therefore I am a product of my parents. I know who my parents are and I even know who their parents are but who is God's parents and were we made in the images of our parents or creators.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth but before that, we know very little about God. Did he have brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, grandparents and even God parents. If he did have brothers and sisters, did they create worlds like he did or she did, we don't know whether God is a man or a woman, transvestite, homosexual or a combination of all of these. We really don't know what God is, even though Michelangelo painted him on the Sistine Chapel.

In the book of revelations it mentions, Revelation 22:13 "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." God says that he is the first and the last, does this mean that there was no one or no entity before him. It goes back to the chicken and the egg, what was first the chicken or the egg, no one knows. Well god knows doesn't he. I don't know why I keep referring to God as a he but bear with me on this one.

I wonder if God was disciplined as a child or even if he was a child. Maybe God was born a full grown person or even a mysterious entity in the form of a smoky cloud. That couldn't be, because God made us in his image and I'm sure that his mother and father look like us. Well, hopefully they look better than us, maybe someone like Brad Pitt or Jennifer Aniston. I hope that he wasn't an ugly person or entity. That would be discouraging.

I guess that's enough of the humor, I rarely hear anyone talk about, who created God. If God formed out of nothingness, why couldn't our earth have formed from nothingness, without God. If God did have parents, brothers and sisters, have they created other universes and what is the purpose of their creations. Are we just one big experiment, part of a big science project?

Anyone interested in using this article to make a movie, feel free to use this information at no charge, I would love to see the movie, when it's done.

Good Christian News

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

If you're really seeking the kingdom of heaven, the glory of God and the true vision that Jesus had, check out some great Christian articles. These articles are designed to teach and educate Christians.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Where Did God Come From?

If you believe in certain religions, like Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and even Buddhism, there's a good chance that you believe in some sort of God like being or cosmic force, especially the one that created our world that we live in today.

Where did God come from? What are we doing here? And where are we going, after we die. Some of these questions, are hard to answer and scientifically difficult to prove. There is very little evidence to prove, where God actually came from, what are we suppose to be doing here and where we are going to go, after we die.

If nobody knows where God came from, why are there so many religions, that believe in a God? Think about it for a moment, the Christian God, was the creator of the universe, and the creator of everything. Where's the proof? Why do people continue to study the Bible, and believe in a God, that they can't really even put their hands on?

If God is truly real, why wouldn't we have ever seen him? It doesn't make a lot of sense, to believe in imaginary beings, or invisible entities and pray to a God that we might not ever see or touch. It might not make a lot of sense, but if you ask serious religious followers, of these religions a question like, can you prove that there actually is a God, there's a good chance that these religious believers will reply, with a simple yes.

They have no proof, no evidence, and almost base their entire beliefs on faith, instead of facts. Rarely do they seek any evidence or even read their religious text, with a goal to understand what they're reading. Most of these people take everything that they learn, lock it away in their head, and never ask any serious questions about their religious beliefs, like these.

If there is a God, why wouldn't he show himself? If there is a God, why wouldn't he prove that he does exist, so that others wouldn't have to doubt his existence? Something to think about, on the days that you're not going to your place of worship.

Who's God Is More Powerful

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

If your interested in a different point of view READ THESE ARTICLES - Great Articles For Christians

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. He has been involved in religious research for almost 30 years, and his influence in the Christian community is growing. The Holy Bible, is the core to Christian beliefs and most Christians don't even question it. Was the Bible actually written by men?

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible.

Mysteries of the Bible - Advanced Bible Study Techniques

Have you ever wanted to really know what the mysteries of the Bible really are? Was Jesus more important than God? Why were the Jewish people considered to be the chosen ones, even though they don't get to go to heaven, because they don't believe that Jesus Christ was their Lord and Savior? I would like to help you solve some of the mysteries of the Bible.

Whether you're a Jewish or believe in Christianity, each if you share an interest in the Holy Scripture. Jewish people obviously don't believe that Jesus was the Messiah and are still waiting for their Messiah to come and free them. Christians obviously believe that Jesus of Nazareth was the true Messiah and fulfilled all the prophecies.

One of the mysteries of the Bible that I would like to share with you, is that your actually going to need to read the Bible to find them. The biggest mystery of the Bible is actually reading it. You don't need to read the entire Bible, to figure out, what it's actually saying.

Start reading certain sections that interest you. Two of the most read books in the Bible are the books of Genesis, which is the first book in the Old Testament and the book of revelations, which is the last book in the New Testament. Both of these books are extremely popular reads.

The book of Genesis is about the beginning and the book of revelations is about the end of times and this seems to be the biggest interest for Christians. In other words, you're not going to be able to find the mysteries, within the Bible if you don't at least start to read some of it.

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If You're a Christian Woman, You Had Better Watch This Video on Problems With Women Speaking in church. Are women really allowed to speak inside the church, you won't believe what you're about to see.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All


Are Your Prayers Being Answered by God - Christianity

I spent a large portion of my life praying for things that never seem to come about, like most of us. I would pray for a better life, help with solving certain problems, good health, a new car, to attract abundance into my life, wealth and happiness. I can tell you that I am in good health and have a better life than I used to but I never got the new car and seemed to have a hard time solving certain problems that I was praying for.

Now here's the catch in Christianity. If I pray for something and I get it, great God has blessed you and you must have done something good to receive what you had prayed for. If you don't receive what you prayed for within the next couple of days, maybe it isn't the right time to receive what you were asking for. If I receive what I have prayed for after that, God has answered my prayers and has given me what I needed at the right time. God knows best and I will continue to pray.

When I ask someone who prays often, how do you really know that God has answered your prayers. In Christianity, I'm talking about God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit. I'm not talking about Zeus, Krishna, or any other unspecified creator of the universe. How do you really know that your God has given you what you ask for.

Now think about this for a second, I know that as a Christian you believe in your God but what if, the Hindu god Indra has actually answered my prayer and blessed you. How do I know that Jesus is not one of the Hindu gods, hiding under another name. Could I actually be manifesting my desires from the universe somehow and I am actually God. Think about it, if this doesn't make sense to you, have you ever thought about why yours does.

The minute that I accept something as a fact, I have closed my mind to other possibilities. The world was flat at one time and now it is round. I do not accept the earth has being round, simply because someone has told me this. I can look at pictures, read books, watch movies and come to my own conclusion that there is a very good chance that the earth is round, but I can't seem to forget at one time people thought the earth was flat.

Most of us never even question what we are taught. If you were taught that Jesus, Krishna, Satan or any other god answers your prayers, that's what you probably still believe. Whether your prayers are being answered or not, does not guarantee the existence or deny the existence of God. What you're thinking caps on, Seek and You Will Find.

Eliminate Bible Propaganda

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. He has been involved in religious research for almost 30 years, and his influence in the Christian community is growing. The Holy Bible, is the core to Christian beliefs and most Christians don't even question it. Was the Bible actually written by men?

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible. This book provides Christians with advanced biblical knowledge, answer some tough questions and should be read by every faithful follower of Christ.

Click here if you're Interested in Christianity.

Monday, September 28, 2009

When Do We Get to Meet God's Parents?

If God is the creator of the universe, who is the creator of God? When I was born, I had a mother and a father and supposedly the two of them together had created me. One could not have created me without the other and therefore I am a product of my parents. I know who my parents are and I even know who their parents are but who is God's parents and were we made in the images of our parents or creators.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth but before that, we know very little about God. Did he have brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, grandparents and even God parents. If he did have brothers and sisters, did they create worlds like he did or she did, we don't know whether God is a man or a woman, transvestite, homosexual or a combination of all of these. We really don't know what God is, even though Michelangelo painted him on the Sistine Chapel.

In the book of revelations it mentions, Revelation 22:13 "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." God says that he is the first and the last, does this mean that there was no one or no entity before him. It goes back to the chicken and the egg, what was first the chicken or the egg, no one knows. Well god knows doesn't he. I don't know why I keep referring to God as a he but bear with me on this one.

I wonder if God was disciplined as a child or even if he was a child. Maybe God was born a full grown person or even a mysterious entity in the form of a smoky cloud. That couldn't be, because God made us in his image and I'm sure that his mother and father look like us. Well, hopefully they look better than us, maybe someone like Brad Pitt or Jennifer Aniston. I hope that he wasn't an ugly person or entity. That would be discouraging.

I guess that's enough of the humor, I rarely hear anyone talk about, who created God. If God formed out of nothingness, why couldn't our earth have formed from nothingness, without God. If God did have parents, brothers and sisters, have they created other universes and what is the purpose of their creations. Are we just one big experiment, part of a big science project?

Anyone interested in using this article to make a movie, feel free to use this information at no charge, I would love to see the movie, when it's done.

Good Christian News

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Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

If you're really seeking the kingdom of heaven, the glory of God and the true vision that Jesus had, check out some great Christian articles. These articles are designed to teach and educate Christians.

Where Did God Come From?

If you believe in certain religions, like Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and even Buddhism, there's a good chance that you believe in some sort of God like being or cosmic force, especially the one that created our world that we live in today.

Where did God come from? What are we doing here? And where are we going, after we die. Some of these questions, are hard to answer and scientifically difficult to prove. There is very little evidence to prove, where God actually came from, what are we suppose to be doing here and where we are going to go, after we die.

If nobody knows where God came from, why are there so many religions, that believe in a God? Think about it for a moment, the Christian God, was the creator of the universe, and the creator of everything. Where's the proof? Why do people continue to study the Bible, and believe in a God, that they can't really even put their hands on?

If God is truly real, why wouldn't we have ever seen him? It doesn't make a lot of sense, to believe in imaginary beings, or invisible entities and pray to a God that we might not ever see or touch. It might not make a lot of sense, but if you ask serious religious followers, of these religions a question like, can you prove that there actually is a God, there's a good chance that these religious believers will reply, with a simple yes.

They have no proof, no evidence, and almost base their entire beliefs on faith, instead of facts. Rarely do they seek any evidence or even read their religious text, with a goal to understand what they're reading. Most of these people take everything that they learn, lock it away in their head, and never ask any serious questions about their religious beliefs, like these.

If there is a God, why wouldn't he show himself? If there is a God, why wouldn't he prove that he does exist, so that others wouldn't have to doubt his existence? Something to think about, on the days that you're not going to your place of worship.

Who's God Is More Powerful

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If your interested in a different point of view READ THESE ARTICLES - Great Articles For Christians

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author and a inspiration to millions of people. He has been involved in religious research for almost 30 years, and his influence in the Christian community is growing. The Holy Bible, is the core to Christian beliefs and most Christians don't even question it. Was the Bible actually written by men?

His newest book," Did God Actually Say That?" Was written specifically for Christians who are interested in gaining additional knowledge about the Bible.

Mysteries of the Bible - Advanced Bible Study Techniques

Have you ever wanted to really know what the mysteries of the Bible really are? Was Jesus more important than God? Why were the Jewish people considered to be the chosen ones, even though they don't get to go to heaven, because they don't believe that Jesus Christ was their Lord and Savior? I would like to help you solve some of the mysteries of the Bible.

Whether you're a Jewish or believe in Christianity, each if you share an interest in the Holy Scripture. Jewish people obviously don't believe that Jesus was the Messiah and are still waiting for their Messiah to come and free them. Christians obviously believe that Jesus of Nazareth was the true Messiah and fulfilled all the prophecies.

One of the mysteries of the Bible that I would like to share with you, is that your actually going to need to read the Bible to find them. The biggest mystery of the Bible is actually reading it. You don't need to read the entire Bible, to figure out, what it's actually saying.

Start reading certain sections that interest you. Two of the most read books in the Bible are the books of Genesis, which is the first book in the Old Testament and the book of revelations, which is the last book in the New Testament. Both of these books are extremely popular reads.

The book of Genesis is about the beginning and the book of revelations is about the end of times and this seems to be the biggest interest for Christians. In other words, you're not going to be able to find the mysteries, within the Bible if you don't at least start to read some of it.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

If You're a Christian Woman, You Had Better Watch This Video on Problems With Women Speaking in church. Are women really allowed to speak inside the church, you won't believe what you're about to see.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Elegance and Being "Salt and Light"

"It is elegance that is potent and subversive.Elegance in a world of vulgarity." -Vivienne Westwood.

"A city on a hill cannot be hidden." -Matthew 5:14b (TNIV).

The Christian equivalent of the above quote on elegance is Jesus' Sermon on the Mount message to be salt and light to a broken, confused world--persons searching for a way home spiritually, but without knowing at all how to get there.So, instead of elegance, often they continue in their vulgarity. As salt we prevent decay; as light we point the way... (M.O. humility, not arrogance.)

This elegance stands out as "dignified gracefulness or restrained beauty of style... a refined grace or dignified propriety."[1]It is other-than the world's normal (vulgar) way.

It stands alone.

Elegance is irresistible.

It oozes charisma.

It evokes strange responses.

It brings both praise and criticism.Praise from those recognising and welcoming truth and virtue.Criticism from those threatened personally by elegance.(We should not be swayed by these if we genuinely know we're executing the will of God.In fact, we will often upset some if we are doing God's will--it requires courage to truly follow God.)

The purpose of a Christian's real elegance i.e. anything they do that shines far above what the world generally expects and anticipates and is thus blatantly noticeable in the thoroughly good way, is to glorify God the Father.We don't do it for our own glory, but for God's--with a motive like this, focussing on it, we're destined to have better chances of success.

It is our destiny more than our past that defines us.[2]We have been sanctified for a reason; we're on the road for the rest of the journey as servant princes and servant princesses, sons and daughters of the Most High King.And a condition of royalty is public proprietary.Royalty must serve and lead by example.We're saved to serve--God directly, humankind, and possibly all creation.

The Christian's light is to be a persistent but respectful beacon for the unrepentant; a voice and a strobe pointing the way home.It's a conspicuous sign regarding how to deal in life; in the reliant maturity of what's right, just and fair.

We can only ever hope to be true lights to the world with potent salt when engaged with Jesus, and open to his prod and rebuke.That's a necessary condition of the journey toward elegance.We must remember that elegance has raw beauty about it.

Copyright 2009, S. J. Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

[1] Merriam-Webster online dictionary.
[2] Craig S. Keener, Matthew - IVP New Testament Commentary Series (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1997), p. 110.

Steve Wickham is a safety and health professional (BSc) and a qualified lay Christian minister (GradDipDiv). His passion in vocation is facilitation and coaching; encouraging people to soar to a higher value of their potential. Steve's key passion is work / life balance and re-creating value for living, and an exploration of the person within us

Earth's Final Empire

There is wild speculation, then there is speculation based on facts. Bible facts. Let me share a few facts from Daniel and John, then I'll speculate with some current information.

The prophet Daniel relates in chapter 2 of his book an incident that takes place involving himself and King Nebuchadnezzar, ruler of all Babylonia. The king is looking for someone who will not only tell him the interpretation of a dream he had, but will relate the dream itself. Daniel's God is able to satisfy the monarch, and in the process gives us some very important history.

The dream is of a statue of a human body, the parts of which tell the story of mankind from Daniel's day until past our own time. There is the Babylonian period, the Medo-Persian and Greek periods, and finally, the Roman. Important to point out here is that the Roman period is the final one. It is the legs and feet, which on most bodies reach the floor when standing. From the end of Greece until the end of time, one Empire is to dominate Earth's affairs. It is to be concluded with a ten-part kingdom.

We talk about the revival of the Roman Empire, and so it shall be. But not a revival from death, for Rome still lives. It is more of a revival from a long illness. First pagan Rome, then Papal Rome, then the gradual weakening until its present state. Yet is there a power on earth today that is greater in number and in potential political and financial power than Roman Catholicism and its powerful Pope?

A treaty that was signed in (political) Rome back in the 50's gave rise to the European Common Market and its offspring the EU. Prophecy students have long salivated over this piece of work, looking at its telling flag, and its currency and its potential military might. Surely this is the world's last power, they have said. I was of course swept into this thinking too until the number of members so far exceeded 10 as to cause one to lose count.

I shall share my speculation about what I believe the ten-nation confederation is after this brief run-down of the Biblical facts. Here is what Daniel and John (Revelation 17) tell us:

  • after the iron-like entry of Rome into the world, it will resolve eventually into a mixture of iron and clay, in ten separate parts. Ten toes, using the language of the body.
  • the iron and clay will not adhere to each other. Strong nations, weak nations.
  • when this final empire is in place, the seventh world ruler will arise and moderate it for a short time.
  • the miraculous and forceful appearance of the man of sin will cause the 8th ruler, who is really one of earth's 7 great anti-God anti-Israel anti-Christ personages, to gain the ascendancy.
  • using the 10-nation alliance as a base, he will eventually conquer the world.
  • in the days of these 10 kings and this world ruler, God will establish His own rule out of the New Jerusalem, a true city set on a hill in Israel.

Speculation: Since John and Daniel see Antichrist rising from the Great Sea, it seems to me that a Mediterranean Alliance, and not the European Union, will be the seat of the Beast. Headquarters, Rome. If this man is Antiochus (about which I have written elsewhere), Greece must be a part of it. Add on Turkey and Syria, part of the kingdom he reigned when here before. Then there are Libya and Egypt, mentioned in Daniel 12 as part of his final conflict.

Oh, and let's add on France and Morocco, who have begun making deals, with an eye toward a Mediterranean union. That leaves only two more nations.

I go from speculation to true subjectivity and ask not that you agree but consider. While thinking about all of this and wondering if indeed the world was headed toward what the Scripture seemed to be saying, the phrase "Mediterranean Alliance" came to my mind and I felt I should Google it. I had never, to my knowledge, heard that phrase. I was gratified to find that indeed the men of earth are contemplating a Mediterranean Union or Alliance, and the sooner the better, as the security issues in that part of the world get out of control more and more by the day.

That's as far as I can go for now. Like the statue's toes, today I offer you iron-clad facts mixed with some not so solid clay. Perhaps readers will care to respond with research of their own.

And as always I invite my readers to consider praying for North Korea, whose plight may some day be our own. is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. I have created over 200 blogs and the site features a live news feed , lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosen together! Contact me any time at

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. I love to write Scriptural works. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond .

Kim Il Sung And The Foxtail Millet

Rodong Sinmun is North Korea's propaganda headquarters. On a daily basis there is a stream of strange-sounding information, or mis-information, emanating thence. Recently I picked up there another entry in the large collection of Kimmian mythology. This one is about the annual birthday celebration of the [deceased] grandmother of North Korea's present leader, i.e., Kim Il Sung's mom. Fascinating North Korea speak.

The writer introduces this maternal figure not as a mother or grandmother, not as someone's wife or descendant. No, Kang Pan Sok is "an indomitable revolutionary fighter and an outstanding leader of the Korean women's emancipation movement..." Doesn't it warm your heart? Wouldn't you love to be snuggled close to this cuddly mommy if you needed some solace?

Once upon a time, when this mom was very critically ill, soldier son Kim Il Sung, forever battling the pesky Japanese, took a break in his endeavors to buy some foxtail millet and bring it to her, as it has certain medicinal value. She was touched inside, but would not allow her son even to mention her sickness. Instead she wanted to talk about political topics. Japan. The struggle. The revolution.

At least, that's how the story goes.

In response to his spending the night, gathering firewood and such, Mom said, thanks for being a good son, but you really need to get back to the great cause of Korea. She gave him some seriously-hard-earned coins, and sent him on his way.

The story ends as it begins. The author indicates that what the mother had shown was not "simply motherly love. It was true revolutionary affection..."

Our hearts ache over a people who have sold out natural affection for military-political ideals. We hurt for those who honor nation above family, society above the individual soul. We pray for those who give their lives away to start a revolution and have never heard of the revolution Christ began here centuries ago. And we grow weary of hearing stories like these being told as historical fact.

Yet, there is something about this story, even this perversion of NK history, that is worth taking away and contemplating. No less than the Christ Himself has called us to a comparable life, has He not? Did He not say that those who follow Him are to love Him more than mother, father, brother, sister? Did He not call us to lay down our very lives for the sake of promoting the Gospel Revolution that He ignited?

So, on second sight, we do not necessarily disown every feature of the dismal lifestyle of the North Korean, but rather we object to the target of Korean affection. We desire for One worthy of all this pain and suffering to be honored in this way, One Worthy of the daily sacrifice, One who will richly repay, not with more restrictions and more poverty, and more famine and death, and international shame, but with everlasting life, with joy unspeakable and full of glory, with the unabashed delight of sins forgiven, all items that are not within the NK government's power to offer.

Lord Jesus, we pray that Your message will permeate the darkness. Show us our part. Amen.

By the way, the real history of this revolutionary mother of North Korea indicates that she and her husband were faithful members of the local Presbyterian Church. is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. I have created over 200 blogs and the site features a live news feed , lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together! Contact me any time at

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. I love to write Scriptural works. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond .