Friday, August 14, 2009

The Law of Attraction - Let it Give You the Good Life!

The Universe is nothing but energy, the only differences are in the vibrations. The Law works on the principle of vibration and these vibrations create energy, then the generation of energy attracts energy that is in turn generated by an equal amount of vibration. The Law Of Attraction requires that we remain concentrated in whatever we want. So for example, if you want a brand new car, then concentrate your feelings, thoughts, emotions, vibrations and energy on a brand new car. If you concentrate on the same car you have now, then that's what you will get, more of your old run down car! You can ultimately create your world and the world around you.

Every person, every object and everything generates some kind of energy. The entire idea about being focused on positive things is to concentrate the energy so that it stays in your mind so to speak. The less power in your mind, the less energy, the less strength you have over things. When you bother to appreciate things in your life, even the small things, it appreciates and grows in value. When you are unappreciative, things start to lose their value. The point is, is to try to concentrate on the positive things in life. Even if things aren't positive, make them seem positive, turn them, twist them, tie them, it doesn't matter, just make it so your life is positive. Positive thinking, feeling, vibes, energy, etc. This will bring good things to you!

The Law Of Attraction is based upon creativity. The Law teaches you how to create the power of thought. The intellect possesses your constructive imaginations and attributes. It establishes your identity as a being. You are always in a state of vibration when the law of attraction works. This manifests your creative desires as if they are already present. This vibrational resonance is your mentality, which has all the constructive attributes.

Your emotions, play a huge role in creating what you want in life. As the law states; the energy present in your emotions will always pull you towards things that you always wanted. Both your thoughts and feelings are so incredibly powerful that they can actually make things fall apart despite all the effort of the other forces trying to keep them together. If you feel hatred toward someone, or if you feel sadness because you don't have this or you don't have that, all those negative feelings are going to result in is a lot of turmoil. You have got to change the way your thinking and feeling, it's the first giant step!

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You become what you think about most. Change your intention, change your results. I recommend

You Have To Start Somewhere

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