Friday, July 10, 2009

A Thief's 3-Point Message

Did ever a messenger of the pulpit deliver a more eloquent all-inclusive recounting of the Gospel of Christ than the thief anguishing with Jesus on the day that lives in infamy? Through the grace given only by the Spirit, illumination filled his dying soul. He saw the Truth. The other thief saw the man in pain, the flesh and bones and blood flowing out, the nastiness and hopelessness of it all. But this one saw the Truth, and saw it in a Man, the man Christ Jesus.

HIs first conviction, and the one which must be the starting point of our own entrance into the Way, was the admitting of the fairness of His judgment. I preached weekly in jail for several years. Almost never did someone say to me that he deserved to be in that place. Regularly I heard the justifications of men who just didn't get it, just couldn't be wrong. But this thief got it. "We are receiving the due reward of our deeds," he shouted to the other thief, who was demanding human justice of the One Who could have given him God's righteousness. He cursed Christ, and using his limited logic reasoned, "If this Man were some sort of Messiah, He would first take care of Number One, then sweep through a suffering world and set everybody free, starting with me of course." He said as much to Jesus until he was cut off by the greater - the heavenly - revelation given to his comrade.

But the "good" thief, pardon the expression, wasn't wallowing in his sin, only recognizing it. And he recognized something else. The only one who can save a drowning man is one who is not drowning himself. The only one who can rescue a straying lamb from the mountain must be a shepherd, and a compassionate one at that. And the only One Who can take my sins away must be One Who has no sins of His own. "This man has done nothing wrong," he argued. Perhaps in his mind he was thinking only of the facts of the present punishment. The trial had been a scam, the mob had been herded into a place of false accusations; he knew what was going on. This Christ was innocent. But the thief had touched unwittingly upon the greater truth, that here being sacrificed on a high place of Rome, an unlikely but real altar lifted to the glory of God, was a spotless Lamb, the sinless One Who takes away the sins of the world. The thief somehow understood this.

Many men have seen it through the years, when the facts have been explained. "I am a sinner. Jesus is a Saviour." Good as far as it goes, but thus far only undeniable history. The action the thief took next is what sealed the deal. He made it his own. In what we might want to call a brash move he approached this One against Whom he had sinned, though unknowingly, this One Who had no sin of His own, though perhaps the thief did not have a perfect understanding of the theology involved, but in desperation, in hope planted by the Spirit, the thief reached out to the Truth, the Way, and asked for Life. He saw the whole picture. He wanted it. And that is the key to having something from God. Wanting it. "Remember me, when" - not if - "when You come into Your kingdom." Jesus, I believe you are a real King, with a real kingdom, in a real place, for real people, even people like me, maybe especially for people like me, totally unworthy but oh so needy and desiring. I've blown it in this life but I truly believe there is another. I feel pain and am in anguish right now, but I believe that somehow there's more. Remember me when it all materializes."

Jesus shows us Who He is by His response to this appeal. No hesitation. Time is running out. Both men will appear to be dead shortly. But both men will also be in bliss shortly. "Today you will be with Me in Paradise."

I realize that most of those who come to this site come with a testimony already. Christ has entered into and changed your life. But if you have happened onto this place today without a Saviour, without a hope, filled only at present with your own wretchedness, I wish to hold before you the crucified but now risen Savior Who still calls out to those who will reach for Him, "You will be with me in paradise. After the pain, after the suffering, after a life that seems to have no purpose at times, you and I will share glory together forever."

Feel free to contact me for further instruction if you wish to follow the crucified Messiah.

Look for Bob Faulkner's home page on There you will find a combination of love for the Scriptures and a desire for North Korean believers to have their needs met. There are nearly 300 blogs , ovber 200 Bible teaching MP3's, lists of resources, NK picture albums, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together! Contact me any time at

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Would love to fellowship with believers who respond .

Wrong With Bible Verse

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