Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Abomination That Makes Desolate - The Response

Jesus, Daniel, John, and Paul all talk about a horrendous event that shall come to the planet before Jesus comes and sets things right. Jesus' name for it is "the abomination of desolation." Something that God hates and therefore judges. Ruling out the historical previews of such an event via Antiochus and Titus, we conclude with Paul in his second letter to the Thessalonians, chapter 2, that the ultimate abomination that makes desolate is Satan himself. He will sit in the Temple. Not a pig. Not an idol.

Jesus gives directions to anyone in the area in that day: Get out!

Now, did this ever happen before? Yes. The scene was lived out in AD 70. But it will happen again. Revelation confirms an end time hiding place for those who flee during this period (12:6, 14-16). Then will come the host of pretenders, even miracle-workers, to convince you that Jesus is already back, as they were doing in the Thessalonian church. Paul and Jesus say, Don't you believe it!

Matthew 24:26, "Therefore if they say to you, 'Look, He is in the desert!' do not go out; or 'Look, He is in the inner rooms!' do not believe it."

This is one of the problems with the so-called "secret rapture" idea. Jesus said it: Matthew 24:27, "As the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together."

Paul speaks of that same day by the same name in I Thessalonians 4:15-16. At the "coming of the Lord" will be a shout, an angelic voice, and a trumpet, as the Lord is descending from Heaven. No secret here. If Jesus or Paul knew of a prior trip to earth, why did neither of them mentionboth events in the same place? Why allow such confusion in the text? Or is it the modern teachers who have added the confusion?

Plainly, every eye will see Jesus when He comes (Revelation 1:7) just like everyone in the vicinity of a lightning bolt sees it plainly. An even more interesting analogy is suggested by eagles, or more properly in context here, vultures. You've seen them hovering, circling, and when the death is confirmed, swiftly pouncing on the dead body. Vultures go where the action is. Once the body is clearly dead they are not in the air, they are down.

Once Jesus decides to come to earth, he will come to the center of the fray, with an army of believers in his train. No hesitation. No mention of what modern "scholars" and moviemakers promulgate so freely. No preliminary flight. Lightning strike! Vulture landing! It's over. "The Son has come and you've been left behind" to be judged, now.

Matthew 24:29 "Immediately after the tribulation...they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven...and He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather His elect from the four winds." The angels, the trumpet, the ingathering. It's all here. This is the rapture, this is the catching up of the church. This is the second and final coming, the only one promised by Jesus!

How the "second" second coming came into such strong belief is truly amazing!

http://chosunhouse.com is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. Just about every day I'm writing a blog featuring some news, a book, or a story of North Korea. There's a live news feed on the site, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together!

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond on my site.

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