Sunday, September 6, 2009

Can You See Christ in the Feast of the Tabernacles

In "the Gospel of John," Arthur W. Pink suggests that "the simplest and often most effective way of studying a portion of God's Word is to draw up a list of questions upon it." After a few days of research, pondering where to start and struggling to discover the underlying symbolism associated with the Feast of Tabernacle, I decided to put Mr. Pink's idea to the test.

What is a Tabernacle? What are the Alternative names of the Feast of Tabernacle? What was the purpose of the Feast of Tabernacle? What is the significance of the "booths?" How are the answers to these questions symbolized by Christ?

Where better to start than a look at the Tabernacle itself. The Tabernacle is a picturesque illustration of Christ and His Church on earth. I believe "on earth" is a key when looking at the Feast of Tabernacle. The Tabernacle in the wilderness was a temporary, earthly structure symbolizing Christ, that according to Exodus 25:8-9 was that "God might dwell among His people." We see some aspect of Jesus Christ in every piece of its furniture, boards, pillars, ropes and curtains. Jesus came to this earth to offer us a way to the Father and a way to salvation. Christ is our Tabernacle, our place of worship and our way to the Father.

What is the evidence of Christ in the alternative names for the Feast? The Feast of Tabernacle was also known as the Feast of Ingathering and/or Feast of Booths. I believe that these are important to reference because the further reflect the significance of Jesus.

The Feast of the Ingathering speaks of a harvest and agricultural celebration. Revelation 14:115 tells us of His great harvest. "Take your sickle and reap for the time to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is ripe." Just as Jesus came to plant the seed for salvation, He too will return for the harvest.

Also known as the Feast of Booths, it was a tribute to the memory of God's people and their struggle in the wilderness. The booths were shabby, make-shift structures of sticks, boughs, palm branches and the like. The booths were only occupied during the time of the Feast and were temporary in ever sense of the word. Jesus fulfills the symbolism of the booth by humbling Himself and coming to us in the frail, shabby, destructible body of man. Like the pilgrims of the Feast, His booth was also temporary. Jesus was here for only a short time; for the planting of the good seed. However, He promises to return and harvest those that believe. What a glorious festival there will be when He finally returns.

When I look more deeply at the Feast of Tabernacle, Christ shines through. Simply, we might say that the Feast of Tabernacle is a tribute to Christ and His amazing days on earth as the sewer of salvation. How grateful we should be that He chose to pitch His tent or build His tabernacle with us and for us as the Son of Man and Savior.

The Tabernacle is a reference of good things yet to come. As we are told in Revelation 21:3, "Behold, the Tabernacle of God is with men and He will dwell with them and they shall be His people and God Himself shall be with them and be their God." Jesus Christ is the Tabernacle of God. When the glorious day comes and He returns, Christ will dwell amongst His people again. For me, this is ultimately what the Feast of the Tabernacle is all about.

Copyright Anthony Mullins

Elite Coaching Alliance 2005

Anthony Mullins is the President and Life Coach for The Elite Coaching Alliance. He specializes in personal, leadership, marriage, relationship and family, christian based coaching. He is the author of the upcoming e-book "A Chronical of the Miracles in the Gospel of John." He can be reached by e-mail: or by phone at 770.344.7975. Visit our website

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