Saturday, September 5, 2009

Christian Documentaries and Their Impact On Society

I was watching a television show a few weeks ago and I would rather not mention the name of the program or the presenter of it. I can make my point without making anyone angry. The television show was all about proving that Christianity was real and they had evidence to prove it. The program was full of scholars and teachers. Some of these teachers were from unknown universities, as a matter of fact, I hadn't heard of any of them before this program.

Some of these teachers had very interesting ideas and philosophies on Christianity and I could see quite clearly how someone who was looking for facts could very easily get caught up in the hype in the program. When you start off asking a question, you should be able to answer it without beating around the bush and the answers should the comprehendible and easy to understand. Especially if the question was easy to understand.

If I asked you the question, is Jesus God, and your reply is frank and to the point with a simple "Yes He Is". I can accept this as your beliefs and could probably make sense out of your beliefs through your education, what you were taught and who taught it to you. This makes perfect sense to me and is easy to understand.

If I asked the same question, is Jesus God, and you reply with "let me set the record straight here and give you some truthful information about something that you might not know about. Searching for over 40 years and found the answer and now know for a fact and without a doubt that Jesus is God. Reading the Bible and talking to other Christian scholars has presented me with information that points to the truth and can prove the existence of Jesus and therefore, without a doubt in my mind, I can honestly say that Jesus is God and will be god forever and for anyone who doesn't understand that or agree with it, I feel sorry for them, because they will have to burn in purgatory forever. This death will be the most agonizing and painful death you could ever possibly imagine.

The second answer doesn't give me any more information than the first one, and this is what some religious documentary programs do. This program did it so much, that I had to watch it a second time, just to see if I missed what they were saying. I did gain a little more insight, the second time but the point of the program was completely misleading and relatively speaking, very little factual information was obtained from it.

Don't get caught up in the hype, while watching or listening to some of these programs. Try to watch them with an open mind and see for yourself, just how much factual information or scientific proof there actually is in the program. When I say, to watch these programs with an open mind, that doesn't mean to accept their information without proof. Do some research for yourself, to verify their opinions.

Hope in Religion

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