Friday, September 4, 2009

North Korea's Kim and America's Graham - Who Used Whom?

Why did Billy Graham go to North Korea twice in the 90's? If you think you are sure of the answer, listen to the following facts:

During the last three years of Kim Il Sung's life, he was visited twice by Billy Graham... Despite claims in Graham's autobiography that his 1992 and 1994 trips to North Korea were solely for preaching the gospel, his translator, Steven Linton... stated:

"The Graham policy has not been to go there and make converts, but to be constructive in a way that raises the prestige of the Christian community generally."

Belke in his book "Juche" goes on to say that while Billy was there he "lectured" on Christianity. Graham's autobiography adds: "I had just been to Pyongyang and had spent several hours with President Kim Il Sung. President Kim had been very warm to me personally, despite our differences in background, and I felt that he sincerely wanted to move forward in establishing better relations. I told Mr. [ex-President Jimmy] Carter this and urged him to go.

Belke: However, upon being asked about Billy Graham's interactions with Pyongyang, John Akers, a Graham advisor, stated, "I'm not sure who's using whom."

When Dr. Graham presented the gospel to Kim Il Sung on January 29, 1994- less than six months before the dictator's death- Kim remained non-responsive.

From "Just As I Am" by Graham: "When reminded about Kim's mother's faith, Kim acknowledged that she had taken him to church sometimes as a boy, although he admitted with a smile that he always wanted to go fishing instead. He listened respectfully to what I said but made little comment."

Who was the winner in that whole 2-year episode? The Democrats Clinton and Carter in Washington, who could now be branded "peacemaker" ? Kim Il Sung for being visited by such a prominent American, and a Christian at that? Surely such a man would not be allowing his Christian citizens to be tortured and killed! What a PR bonus for Kim Il Sung!

We can look at the politics of it all and wince a little for Billy. We can even get concerned with what looks like a man of God cozying up to a dictator. Did he discuss Kim's prisoner situation? The concentration camps? Did he attempt to get prisoners released?

Or we can take just one step backward and look at the bigger picture. We can say that 6 months before he died Kim Il Sung was given the chance of a lifetime. The chance to inherit eternal life through Jesus Christ, offered by the man who has preached a straight Gospel message to more people than anyone in history.

Yes, we can talk about the strange doors Billy has gone through to preach that message, and get a bit annoyed at his seeming naivete and lack of concern about his reputation. But it won't be long - if we know Christ at all - before a still small voice will arise and remind us of the Christ Billy serves and how that Christ gained the very same reputation for doing the very same thing. And if we dare listen any longer we will be reminded of our own cringing compromising avoidance of almost any Gospel-sharing opportunities that come our way.

No, thank God that someone told Mr. Kim. In our own day, the son of Graham has brought the message to the son of Kim. But that's another story...

Tip for today: Keep praying. We never know just how our great God is going to hear the Church and answer, but He always does. is a website I put together a few months back to get the word out to believers that they need to pray for North Korea. Just about every day I'm writing a blog featuring some news, a book, or a story of North Korea. There's a live news feed on the site, lists of resources, picture essays, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together!

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Who are you? Would love to fellowship with believers who respond on my site.

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