Saturday, September 5, 2009

Don't Take Sides!

After all the complaining I do on in my articles about subjectivism, theories, speculation, perception, you may think it odd that I share with you a dream I had recently. Nevertheless, here it is. I hope you will see immediately that my interpretation supports a Scriptural truth.

In my dream of late August, I was a part of some resistance movement somewhere, a rebel group. Our particular job was to befriend some locals, to the point where we would then be able to destroy them. The locals seemed to be Chinese, but I could never tell you why. They were very delicately dressed in silk clothing, perhaps because they were dancers. We, the rebels, joined in with them, learned from them, danced with them. Then one day we planted explosives in their clothing and ran away while they blew apart. On our retreat I was devastated. I had killed truly innocent people because they were not on our side. I hated myself. I confessed my fears and self-loathing to a friend in the group

It was at that point that I awoke. It had been an awful dream, but I believe it spoke an awful truth common to us all. The main idea of the dream was underscored in 3 words immediately after waking: Don't take sides.

How many innocents have I similarly destroyed, I wondered. The impression was so clear. From this day on I am to obey the Scripture that says, "As much as lies in you, live peaceably with all men." Follow Christ. Be on His side. It does not "lie in me" to be disobedient to his Word, so I cannot compromise those truths. But in every other way, "take no sides."

There is some good on every side, and some evil. To take a human side is therefore to be partly right and partly troubled about the obvious wrong being ingested, a wrong we must ignore or justify. Take no sides.

Oh the applications to such a teaching! No denomination is perfectly correct. Thank God I was able to give that one up years ago. If I must attend in a denominational church, I must never take the side of the denomination. Only Christ's side. Only what He said and says.

I cannot take the side of groups at work, or even family members. Only Christ. Only His Word.

What about this passion of so many months, North Korea? Even the government there does some good. And not all those calling themselves Christians truly are. Discernment is always needed, to see where Christ is in everything. But that Christ has a people there, and that those people are suffering, is beyond questioning for sure.

I must remember not even to take sides with myself! My feelings change constantly. Just find out what Jesus wants and do it.Like it or not. Feel it or not. Want it or not.

Jesus, I take your side only.

Look for Bob Faulkner's home page on There you will find a combination of love for the Scriptures and a desire for North Korean believers to have their needs met. There are nearly 300 blogs , ovber 200 Bible teaching MP3's, lists of resources, NK picture albums, and ways to respond to the overwhelming need in North Korea. Let's love Chosun together! Contact me any time at

And who am I? A man found of God over 50 years ago, called to the ministry, serving the Lord as needed in my world. Married, member of a local church in the Chicago area, with full time work in public education. Would love to fellowship with believers who respond.

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